

black lives matter

stop aapi hate


about me

i usually stream video games (and sometimes programming) on my twitch.

my main programming project right now is ????

you can learn more about my other projects over at /projects

i enjoy collecting vinyl records, and i enjoy listening to music, in the next section, you will see some of the artists i like to listen to!


i like to listen to:

i also regularly expand my music taste, so if you have any suggestions, let me know

way more more

required listening

my vinyl record collection

i own:



formal contact can be done over email

other contact can be done through discord mmatt#0001 or





music (lastfm)



spacehey (its like myspace 2, also huge virtual self warning i am a huge nerd)

and more?

support me

if you ever feel like helping me out, here are some ways:

Referal codes:

All links above are affiliate links that help benefit me, I either get a kickback, or some other perks.


yo you can use code matt on the Epic Games Store, AND the bottom right of the Fortnite item shop. You should try it out (and more importantly, give me money, like lots of money, like so much money, like insane amounts of money, like huge profits, insane profit margins, juse use code matt, not hard, its literally 4 letters) #ad :)

some other stuff about the site

This site was made by AndyThePie on GitHub and is powered using the excellent Jekyll, and hosted with GitHub Pages. Its icons come from a subsetted version of Font Awesome 5. You can find the source code of the site here (although I wouldn’t recommend it).

All content on this website is under the CC-BY 4.0 License.